Tuesday, August 9, 2011


On Textbooks.
9 Textbooks.

That would have bought me:
2 small Louis Vuittons
6 Lilly Dresses
6 months worth of food

Friends are Forever

First day of Law School Orientation

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I, along with the rest of the white chick world, have recently become addicted to pinterest.

I feel like this new found addiction is just another way for me to manifest my procrastination skills...probably not the best timing since Law School starts Tuesday.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You're Gonna Miss This

As the first day of law school is getting closer and closer (only a week until orientation), I have found myself missing out on all of the fun things that my friends in the Class of 2012 are enjoying.
I'm starting to wonder if graduating early was the right thing to do.
I miss my friends even more when I go back for the day, watch the new OL team videos, stop by the admissions office, run into them here in my new town and talk to them every day.
I am so excited about law school and about really jumping in and starting something new and beginning this new chapter in my life, but today I'm just not so sure that I'm ready for the last chapter to close.
My senior year was amazing and the three years that I spent at Georgia College were probably the three best years of my life.
I miss my sorority sisters (yes..even recruitment)
I miss the Ambassador Team
I miss SGA
I miss just hanging out on front campus
I miss knowing someone everywhere that I go
I miss having my best friend as a roommate, especially now that we live 3 hours away from each other and are both in grad school.

"You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this"
-Trace Adkins

Monday, August 1, 2011


Got my alarm system set up today...FINALLY since there have literally been 4, no 5 homocides in the town I just moved to within the last week (and it's not even the ghetto) and of course as soon as the man left who set it up I decided I just had to run out to the closest Tar-jayy and what did I do other than set off my own alarm.
Real cool.
I have a feeling I'm gonna become besties with the police in no time.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Good Friends and Good Times

Well A got into town on Friday afternoon and we did some serious window shopping all over Macon and of course indulged in some good ole southern red velvet cupcakes at the most precious cupcake boutique!
We decided to stay in for a little Mexican and Marg night, so we hit up the grocery store and headed back in for some delish homemade Mexican (my absolute favorite!!)
After dinner sweet little A swung open the freezer to top off her marg and none other than our bottle of tequila came tumbling down and shattered. Needless to say we were both heartbroken over our loss.
After some more wining and dining we made up this presh little list of everything we are looking for in our future hubbies (ya know just in case we happened to bump into mr. right this weekend)
(I'll try and post a pic of the actual list bc it is hilar)
A's list:
1.Just like Dad
2.Manly (likes to hunt)
3.Funny(er than me!)
4. Taller than me (in heels!)
5. Smart

My list:
2. Self motivated
5.No crazy weird religions
NO Tats and No Piercings

Then of course we added two very important items to the top of the list
LOVE Jesus and No Kids

Round 2:
Saturday morning we started out with every White Chick's fave meal of the week...Brunch at good ole Cracker Barrel and then we decided to check out the top attraction of this grande city...Bass Pro Shop! I'm pretty sure A would have spent all day in there if I had let her!
Then we came back to dt and hit up the lovely craft festival and FREE music and Sports Hall of Fame.

After that it was time to get to primpin' and teasin up our hair for a night out on the town!

A brought a delicious little goody for us to try, a bottle of Olde Savannah Sweet Tea Wine...it was so yummy!
Well we started out our night with a $2.50 cab ride from my apartment because it was raining and met up with some friends who rode the trolley in and we saw the Dirty Guv's (a new fave band of mine)

After that we just sort of wandered in and out of all the different venues...
Fast forward through all of the drama with this bf/gf couple that was there and the drunken fiasco that was dealing with that and we had a pretty awesome night!
Everyone ended up back at my apartment safe and sound...

For my first night out in the new city, I must say it was quite a success!

Friday, July 29, 2011


One of my sweet high school friends is on her way to visit my new "big girl" apartment for the weekend! We are heading out on the town for some shopping, eating and I'm sure lots of gossiping and giggling! This weekend there is a huge Arts and Music festival in downtown, so we are definitely going to be checking that out!
I'll be sure to post some pictures lata!